Basic Concepts offers a variety of classes for children preschool through middle school. We utilize numerous therapeutic interventions (sensory, play, music, social and behavioral) throughout all of our daily activities for maximum achievement. Our Summer programs are intended for children who have mild to moderate deficits in speech, language, play, sensory, and socialization. Children participate in both small and whole group activities to ensure that their individual goals are met. Speech language pathologists and special educators provide services in all our classrooms. All college counselors are intensively trained and have extensive background in working with children with special needs.
Summer Program Dates:
Session 1: June 23rd-July 3rd, 2024
Session 2: July 7th-July 25th, 2024
All summer classes located:
Saint Elizabeth's School
917 Montrose Road
Rockville, MD 20852
Please call 240-447-8013 to express interest and determine class placement.
This class is designed for young children who are learning how to communicate, play and socialize. Children in this class are:
Speaking in at least 1-3 word utterances (or have approximately 50 signs)
Following 1-2 step directions
Showing interest in play
Learning in a group setting
This class uses a weekly theme based approach. Activities include daily speech language therapy, movement/sensory, indoor and outdoor play, art, snack, sports, lunch, movie, social skill lesson, and the Handwriting without Tears program.This class is taught by a certified speech language pathologist and a special educator along with 3 college counselors. A total of 12 children will be enrolled.
Full day $1250.00/week
Half day $950/week
This class is designed for young children who are learning how to communicate, play and socialize. Children in this class are:
Speaking in at least 4-5 word utterances
Following 2-3 step direction
Playing functionally with toys
Participating in social interactions with peers
Learning in a group setting
This class uses a weekly theme based approach. Activities include daily speech language therapy, movement/sensory, indoor and outdoor play, art, snack, sports, lunch, movie, social skill lesson, and the Handwriting without Tears program. This class is taught by a certified speech language pathologist and a special educator along with 2 college counselors. A total of 12 children will be enrolled.
This class is designed for children who are learning higher level language concepts, cooperative play and peer socialization. Children in this class are:
Speaking in sentences
Following 3+ step directions
Beginning to play cooperatively
Using beginning conversational skills
Learning abstract language
Learning in a group setting
Activities include daily speech language therapy, bike riding, movement/sensory, indoor and outdoor play, snack, sports, lunch, movie, social skill lesson, and the Handwriting Without Tears program. Weekly cooking, science, and art projects will be incorporated. This class is taught by a certified speech language pathologist and a special educator along with 2 college counselors. A total of 15 children will be enrolled.
This class is designed for children who have needs in multiple areas. Focus in on continued development of language, academics, problem solving and social skills. Children in this class are:
Speaking in sentences
Following multi-step directions
Participating in conversations and recreational activities with peers
Learning in a group setting
Activities include daily speech language therapy, bike riding, movement/sensory, indoor and outdoor play, snack, sports, lunch, movie, social skill lesson, and the Handwriting Without Tears program. Weekly cooking, science, and art projects will be incorporated. This class is taught by a certified speech language pathologist and a special educator along with 3 college counselors. A total of 15 children will be enrolled.
This class is designed for motivated and curious learners who exhibit challenges with social interactions, academic and higher level language skills. These challenges are typically associated with:
Language processing delays
Anxiety related disorders
High functioning Autism
Asperger’s Syndrome
The focus of this class will be on social skills training combined with language, higher level academic and recreational activities. This class will utilize exciting and engaging themes that help develop higher level social language and abstract thinking. Children will use their imagination to discover and investigate through various aspects of biology, astronomy, chemistry, physics, architecture, and engineering. Activities include daily small group therapy, indoor game play, outdoor game play (soccer, lawn bowling, capture the flag, kickball), wheels (bikes, scooters, skateboards), handwriting, movement/sensory, snack, lunch, movie, and social skill lessons. Weekly cooking, science, and art projects will be incorporated. This class is taught by a certified speech language pathologist and a special educator along with 3 college counselors. A total of 15 children will be enrolled.