Does your child have difficulty expressing his/her self?
Does your child have trouble following simple directions?
Does your child have trouble attending and processing information?
Does your child have significant behavioral issues?
If you answered yes to any of the questions above your child may benefit from specialized speech, language, or educational instruction.
Basic Concepts offers individual therapy for children age birth through 18. Therapy sessions are individualized and based on the needs of each child. We offer therapy both in your home and in our clinic.
Therapy sessions may address needs in the following areas:
Auditory Processing
Behavior Management
Cognitive Communication Disorders
Developmental Delays
Executive Functioning
Expressive Language
Kindergarten Readiness
Language Acquisition
Language Formulation
Learning Disabilities
Oral Motor
Phonological Disorders
Receptive Language
Sensory Integration
Social Skills
Diagnostic services are available to determine strengths and weaknesses of your child. A comprehensive report is written detailing the results of the evaluation. A treatment plan can also be developed and implemented. Evaluators provide assessments in the following areas:
Consultative services are available to provide tools and strategies to help create a successful home, school, and social environment for your child. Basic Concepts consultants are available upon request to perform: